Sunday 13 January 2013

My christmas holidays

My Christmas this year has been, fun, but to short.
The first week was the week of chritsmas that the more i rest.
I was reading Don Quixote, because the language teacher said, also i skating and of course i  I went out with my friends.
On monday, December 24, my family and I had fun dinner, and handed out 12 midnight, we have a christmas's presents, we stayed up late talking, that day.
I didn't study much, but on thursday I studied maths.

The weekend we organize everything for december 31, because it just 2012 and begins a new year. this date is very important and we will prepare with food and grapes, the grapes are the most important for this day.

That week of new year was more fun because I was with my cousin and i had a good time, and didn't have much to do for school so i relaxed, and i went to buy presents for the family and friends, the king's day, since it's sunday and there was a bit  on sunday january 6, my family and i were together that day, and had a great time, those days were the last days of vacation and I get plenty of rest, to start the high school.


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