Wednesday 23 January 2013

Christmas Holidays

This year Christmas has been great, I fun lot, I was with my family,i was with my friends, etc. First thing I did to end the Institute and begin Christmas, was to stay with my friends, in the afternoon, we went to dinner at a restaurant and we had fun eating and talking. A couple of days after I went with my parents to the village where I spent many days of December where I saw friends who did a lot time that not I saw them, to my family, Christmas Eve i pass in madrid with my grandparents and my uncles, and this night I pass well, because after I went to fuenlabrada to party with my friends.
New year's Eve also quite well, pass it after being with my family had stayed with my friends, expected us a big party we had organised us. And well,"the three kings brought me a few things that I didn't expect. and now is just waiting to start again the Institute.

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